Interview Questions For Salon Manager With Answers For 2021

Salon manager interview


Interviews are stressful things. Having the right set of skills and experience is not going to be sufficient to clear an interview and land your dream job, the job market is really competitive. To ace the interview, one requires a streamlined approach towards the interview. 

In this article, we will go over some frequently asked Salon Manager interview questions and example answers that will help you land the job you desire.

What does a Salon manager do?

A Salon manager acts as a floor manager dealing with the day to day operations of the salon. They are required to be alert and responsive to the dynamic nature of the workspace, this includes but is not limited to customer relations, employee management, promotional activities and maintaining records of revenue and expenditure.

The job tests one’s organizational capability to the fullest. Since the business model heavily relies on customer patronage, client satisfaction is the topmost priority of any Salon and they seek to hire individuals demonstrating the ability to boost the same.

How do you prepare for a Salon manager interview?

  • Background research 

Find out the establishment date, their timings, offers and schemes provided by the salon, etc.  Ensure that you check out newspaper articles and other web articles about them. It shows that you care about the job and are willing to put in the effort to secure the same. 

  • Research the interviewer

If you are told beforehand the name of the person who is going to be interviewing you, research them as well. Check out their social media, see if they have made any posts regarding the skills or values they admire in an employee.

Even their likes and desires over something as simple as ice cream helps in setting up a rapport with the interviewer. This goes a long way in guaranteeing success.

  •  Customer Reviews: Potential Goldmine

The customer reviews can be found on any review site. They are a wealth of information, you can collect information through the review portal sites and understand the strengths and weaknesses of the salon that might be unnoticed by your prospective employer.

Fashion this information to your advantage. For example, you could pick up a negative review that highlights an issue happening at a relatively high frequency. Tell them how you plan to tackle the same. If there are no negative things to highlight one can always compliment their customer relation policy and explain how you plan to take it to the next level. 

  • Research Competitors

Next important thing is to research businesses that are in direct competition with your prospective employer.

Be aware of what kind of schemes they are offering and what kind of impact it has on prospective employers’ business. But remember not to stop here, you need to give solutions to the problems that you have highlighted. Otherwise, you are just a critic.

Successfully implementing the above points will highlight diligence, research capability and problem-solving ability. All these skills are highly valued by all employers.

  • Practice possible questions beforehand

We will be dealing with this question in detail below. But a few general pointers:

Remember all interviewers look for certain keywords that are linked to the job profile. First, let us identify what they are for Salon Managers

>Team Management: Refers to the skill to manage the human resources i.e. the Salon employees, the most versatile and the most brittle resource. You have to manage the day-to-day operations of the salon including opening and closing procedures, staff behavior, and customer intake procedures.

>Team Leadership: Refers to your ability to lead from the front, solve problems and ensure smooth functioning of the Salon. You have to lead the Salon staff team in providing excellent services and maximizing salon profit.

>Industry knowledge: Requires you to be well versed in the beauty industry and maintain knowledge of the current trends, products, services, and best practices on the ground.

>Financial oversight: Requires you to maintain records (stock register, cash inflow and outflow) and ensure the business remains profitable. The money management aspect determines a host of other important things like promotional offers, staff budget etc thus do not pass up an opportunity to describe your skill level in the same.

>Relationship Management: Requires you to build up the client base increases while maintaining the old one.

>Communications Skills: Requires you to give your input into the public relations material that is posted. Both written and verbal communication are other important skills that are given importance in this job. Some places will also require you to interview, hire and train future salon staff therefore a high level of communication skill is required.

Keep in mind that the interview, while being a place to display your knowledge and skill is also a place where your personality is put to test. Remember to maintain a sense of humility while answering. Nobody likes a rude arrogant know-it-all. 

  • Plan the day ahead to the smallest detail

Plan out the route you will be taking on the day of the interview and the mode of transport. Keep track of the traffic situation around the time of the interview.

To do this more effectively, travel on the planned route a day before to weed out any potential problems. This of course is not necessary for the age of Google maps, but better safe than sorry.

The second thing to do is figure out what you want to wear and iron it. First impressions and shabby clothes don’t go well together. Plus there is nothing worse than upheaving your entire house trying to find the missing pair of socks at the last moment. The interviewer will not be sympathetic.

Lastly, it’s the old cliche to be on time, but to create a good impression be half an hour early. Eagerness is a better trait than tardy punctuality. 

Getting these things off your mind allows you to focus your energies on acing the interview.

  • Plan questions you like to ask in advance 

 This is a typical question that is reserved at the end of the interview. Do not forget to prepare for this. This is where all the research that you did helps.

You will naturally come across things that you like to ask your prospective employers. Make sure to frame them properly. They should reflect your curiosity and not be confrontational in nature.

Most Common Interview Questions & Answers

Are you Tech-Savvy?

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine your skill level. Considering how technology has permeated every aspect of our life it is important to answer the question in the affirmative. State that you keep up with the times and are comfortable with a variety of software and apps (Recordkeeping and Management ones at least).

There is a possibility that as a follow-up to this question they might ask you if you know how to operate XYZ software that the salon operates on. Answer honestly, if you don’t reply back with “I have not worked with this particular software before but I am confident in my ability to adapt and learn.”

Sample Answer

Yes, I am quite comfortable with technology. My previous workplace had our record-keeping primarily in the digital sphere. I am quite skilled in Excel. Additionally, for my personal use, I utilize a variety of management apps.

Tell me about yourself (Alternate question style: Do you have any prior experience managing a salon?)

Answer Tips

State your current role and the responsibilities attached to it. Don’t bore the interviewer with all the details, stick to relevant highlights that put you in good light.

Sample Answer

 “Currently I work as a Salon Manager at XYZ, my responsibilities include setting up the schedule, deciding upon promotional offers and maintaining record books. I am a team player and balance the interests of the Staff and Customers. I have spearheaded their social media campaign which saw our client base increase by 20%.”

What interests you about this role?

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine whether you understand the job requirements and whether you have the relevant skillset. Familiarise yourself with the job description and requirements that the Salon would have posted, match your skills and experience to the same. After which include some points that you could include in your answer. Remember to keep it brief. 

Sample Answer

“What I like about this role is that the business serves a large group of diverse clientele and offers me an opportunity to work with the best. Moreover, this place has more employees than my last job, pushing me to improve my own  team management skills”

Explain how you will manage a difficult employee?

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine your problem-solving skills and how efficiently you can think on your feet. It’s pertinent to keep in mind certain buzzwords “Communication” “deescalate” “conflict resolution”

“Compromise” “best interest of the company”. While answering, highlight your ability to listen to your team members, resolving conflict without sacrificing productivity.

Sample Answer

“I would have a little heart to heart with the employee to determine the cause. Chalk out a possible solution and help them implement it. If the problematic behaviour continues then I shall evaluate my options keeping in mind the company’s best interest”

Please describe your management style. (Alternate question style: How do you plan on achieving positive results in a consistent manner? or Are you capable of working under pressure?)

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine whether you would be a perfect fit for the company’s profile and workplace ethos. Prior research into the same would help you frame a more appropriate answer. While answering keep in mind to stress the importance of an open communication workplace. Mention how you would manage the resources on hand to boost productivity.

Sample Answer

“I don’t particularly believe in micromanaging the staff; rather I plan on replacing it with open communication before setting the tasks and schedules so that everyone is aware of the bigger picture and changes if any can be made at the planning stage itself.  At my previous workplace, I found that everyone performed their best when I let them work independently. 

I would schedule meetings every Monday where I would lay out the action plan for the week and make changes as and when required. During the meeting, the team would be encouraged to give their opinions to better coordinate the week plan.”

How do you motivate your team? (Alternate question style: Explain some leadership skills that you have demonstrated in your previous job)

Answer Tips

Seeks to gauge your Team Leader skills. Motivation plays an integral role in boosting workplace productivity levels. As a manager, it is part of your responsibility to ensure every staff member is working at optimum capacity.

This is especially necessary when the morale may be down. While answering the question try and include some specific examples of how you were able to motivate the team.

Sample Answer

“As a manager, I understand that we humans are complex entities, we respond differently to various forms of events. Therefore, I would alter my approach depending on the circumstances.  In my last position as a Salon Manager during high-pressure days I would motivate my team members with positive feedback and not criticize any mistakes. Sometimes we had a countdown timer to help visualize how much progress we have made in the day.  All this made getting through the days easier.”

How do you manage conflict between two team members? (Alternate question style: Do you consider yourself a problem solver? Or How do you handle conflict between your team members?) 

Answer Tips

Salons are high-stress environments owing to complex scheduling of appointments and a multitude of human factors that means conflict is inevitable. As a manager, it is one’s responsibility to ensure these are resolved as soon as possible and do not continue to ruin the workplace environment.

While answering, describe your method to overcome challenging moments like these in a way that improves the workplace. The answer should make a reference to how you would prevent such a situation from arising in the future. 

Sample Answer

“At my last job a conflict arose between a veteran staff member and a recent joiner. This led to certain passive-aggressive acts between the two employees. I took them aside and mediated a sit down between them. This helped to resolve conflict in a satisfactory manner without any party feeling their views were not taken into consideration. The next day at a team meeting I emphasized the importance of open communication and requested all future disagreements be settled through the above-stated process.”

Why are you looking for a new job? 

Answer Tips

Seeks to understand what motivates you. Use this opportunity to explain your life goals and how the company can help you achieve the same. Make sure to tailor the answer to the specific culture of the company.

Sample Answer

The previous job was just an introduction to Salon management. I would like to further hone my skills in a more challenging environment and interact with a more diverse clientele” 

Was there ever any situation where you had to fire an employee (Alternate question style: Give an example of a tough decision you had to make?)

Answer Tips

Start with a disclaimer that conflict resolution through a  peaceful mode is your foremost priority but if that is possible you would take measures to safeguard the best interest of the company. Explain your conflict resolution method once more and finish with an example that clearly highlights that letting go of the employee was the only feasible option.

Sample Answer

“I try to prevent conflicts from escalating to a point where firing is the only feasible option but not everything can be controlled. There was an employee at my previous job who used to be late every day.  This caused major scheduling conflict and someone else had to pick her slack causing discontent amongst both the customers and employees. This behaviour was repeated after multiple warnings and interventions leaving me with no choice but to fire her.” 

Tell me about your greatest strength and weakness

Answer Tips

Seeks to judge your ability to know your limits. Remember to highlight your best possible strength that is relevant to the present job profile. As for weaknesses mention one that you are already working towards improving upon.

Sample Answer: 

“My greatest strength would be my ability to motivate my team and push them to higher levels of productivity. I believe a high level of synergy within the team is necessary for the Salon to handle a cramped schedule. This can be achieved by giving them a space to express their thoughts without fear or judgment and set parameters that would help them to evaluate performances.

My greatest weakness is that I am too detail-oriented and sometimes lose track of the bigger picture. This negatively affects my team meeting presentations sometimes leading to misunderstandings or confusion. I have already started to streamline my thought process and focus on the task at hand.”

How do you plan on establishing rapport with our staff?

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine how forward-thinking you are. The interviewer wants to understand whether you are aware of the challenges that you would be facing once you join and your plans to overcome any future hurdles. Team management is an important aspect of the job profile, ensure your answer highlights your man-management skills. Additionally, make sure you make provisions including the input from the staff.

Sample Answer

“I plan on having a one on one session with each team member and discuss their role, future plans and aspirations, schedule flexibility, etc. In this meeting I would also explain my management method and if they would be comfortable with the same. Additionally, I would ask their inputs on making the workplace better. 

The next step would be organizing team meetings once a week. Where I would lay out my plans. I would try to avoid any radical changes unless absolutely necessary. The new plans would try and incorporate employee suggestions wherever feasible.”

Do you believe in delegation of Tasks? If yes, what is your method?

Answer Tips

Seeks to see if you are a team player or not. Ensure your answer gives due respect to the present staff of our prospective employer while highlighting your man-management skills.

Sample Answer

“Yes, I do believe in the delegation of tasks. I understand my limitations as a human and taking on more than I could do would only hamper the team productivity. All delegations would be done face to face as far as possible. After stating the task I’ll ensure we are on the same page and clear any doubts or misunderstandings about the said task. All the delegations would be displayed on an online spreadsheet to promote coordination within the team.”

What would you do if a plan or a new model you implemented failed?

Answer Tips

Seeks to understand how you deal with failure. Every job includes its share of successes and failures. While answering, highlight your acceptance of failure and a proper structured method to resolve the issue at hand.

Sample Answer

Success and failure are part and parcel of life, I cannot say that all my plans will be successful. If one does fail then I would try to understand the factors that caused the same and move forward with setting up new processes to ensure it does not happen again at the same time work on a new solution. Where necessary I would keep my supervisor in the loop” 

Explain the importance of a Customer Report 

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine whether you understand various tools used in the industry. A Customer Report as the name suggests is an evaluation form that measures customer satisfaction towards the services offered. These provide an important source of information and help determine whether any course correction is required. 

Sample Answer

A customer report helps the Salon evaluate their services. This includes everything from the quality of the service to the scheduling ease. An in-depth analysis would not only help improve the front end customer side of the business but also help reward productive employees.” 

How would you handle a situation wherein an employee with a lot of appointments calls in sick at the last minute? 

Answer Tips

Seeks to evaluate your problem-solving ability. There are two aspects to the question dealing with the customers and the employees. Situation based questions require you to be as specific as possible.   

Sample Answer

Firstly I would try and reschedule the appointments, as many as possible. Next, I would try to fit in the remaining customers within the slots available pending customer consent. If there are any left I would apologise and offer them a discount on their next appointment.
I would also determine whether the reason for the absence was justified and undertake actions to ensure the problem does not repeat itself as it puts the remaining employees and the customers in a bad spot” 

What are your salary expectations? 

Answer Tips

Seeks to determine whether the business can afford you or not. Additionally, it is a good way to find out how much you value yourself. The answer to this is quite tricky and cannot be simply put forth in a general sample answer. The details have to be specifically tailored to your needs, how much the business offers as per your research and the current job climate. While answering keep in mind to mention you are flexible regarding your compensation.

Sample Answer

My salary range is flexible. But I would rather prefer to discuss the exact number after we have a discussion about my exact responsibilities on the job” 

Some last minute tips

  • Video record at least one session of practise answers on your phone so you can review your facial expressions and body posture. Fix whatever you don’t approve of, remember every small detail matters.
  • Keep a digital copy of answers saved on your phone, so you can run through it one final time. Highlight the keywords you want to stress upon.
  • Save an offline copy of the route map to the place where the interview is taking place.
  • Check the social media pages of the Business and see if you can incorporate any new development into your answer. By talking about an update posted on the same day as the interview shows your dedication and preparedness. 
  • Familiarise yourself with your resume.
  • Get a good night’s sleep.

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